Want to gain greater clarity and improve your chances of success? Take this one step today.

Whether changing jobs, careers, starting a new business, making crucial decisions, and plans, it is important to gain clarity and overcome obstacles if we want to succeed.  As a professional and executive coach, in working with different individuals over the years, I ask:

  • “What is the biggest obstacle that keeps you from moving forward with your goals and plans?”

Often the responses include:

  • being comfortable or stuck,
  • lacking the knowledge or experience in a specific situation or task,
  • not knowing how best to move forward, and
  • not being able to see the big picture or blueprint.

As we work through the coaching conversation, and I continue to ask direct questions, the client begins to gain some clarity. For each of us, we can become clearer about a solution to a problem as we talk through different options. Often, we need guidance from a mentor, coach, or an accountability partner.

Proverbs 15:22 (NIV) says, “Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed.”[i]

Without individuals to help us, we may not be successful. This is especially true in creating a business, career, or financial plan. You may need a coach, accountant, lawyer, business professional, pastor, financial advisor, trusted friend, mentor, or professional organization that act as a sounding board or provide advice. In my career over the years, I have had several people that mentored me, coached me, held me accountable, listened, consulted, and provided me with wise counsel. These individuals served as my personal advisory board. In developing your own advisory board, some questions to consider are:

  • What criteria will I use to use to determine who to select?
  • What are the criteria that are important to me?
  • What three to five people in my personal or professional network, do I have a personal connection with and trust?
  • Do these three to five have a certain area of expertise or strength that I do not?
  • Is there anything preventing me from doing this right now?
  • What plans could I get assistance with now so the plans will be successful?

Start today. Pray that God would send you the advisors, mentors, and wise counsel that you need. Then decide who to include in your personal advisory board. Ask them to serve in this capacity for you when you are stuck or need clarity. Consider setting up a regular time and place to meet with these individuals either one on one or together as needed. Getting the support needed can lead to a greater chance of success!

[i] Prov. 15:22 NIV

11 thoughts on “Want to gain greater clarity and improve your chances of success? Take this one step today.

  1. Teresa says:

    We all need godly counsel and someone to encourage us or keep us accountable. Great advise on how to choose those counselors!

  2. Timothy R. Berman says:

    This is a challenging task for me as I struggle to find those who are able to mentor me with what I am working on. In my professional career, I have had alot of good mentors . I have also had a lot of poor mentors.

  3. Maryann says:

    This is a great list. My daughter is trying to create a new small group/ club at church and is looking for leaders. This will be a great resource for her. Thank you.

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