Making the Right Commitments Leads to Success

For the past decade, as an executive and professional coach, I have asked individuals in preparing for their first coaching session what top 3 -5 topics they wanted to explore or get clearer about during the coaching sessions.  Often the topics range from:

  1. Time Management
  2. Setting Goals
  3.  Balancing work priorities
  4. Managing responsibilities
  5. Financial

Truthfully, I am not surprised by these answers. Working through each of these areas requires planning, discipline, accountability, and the space to both implement and follow through.

Work and life can be busy and overwhelming with a never-ending list of errands, projects, obligations, and responsibilities. It’s easy to push aside anything that does not require your attention at that moment. Drowning in the day to day, can cause people to lose sight of what is truly important and what they plan to achieve long-term.

During the coaching process I work with individuals, on the areas they have chosen. These individuals develop goals, plans, and action steps. They assess the realities of life, the options they have, and they ways they want to move forward. Coaching and planning is beneficial and helps individuals achieve goals, increase productivity, and get a better handle on their responsibilities.

As we work on setting up systems, boundaries, and plans for success, as Christian we have to do one thing above all else. Proverbs 16:3 (HCSB) says, “Commit your activities to the Lord, and your plan will be achieved.”[i] Our plans will not be successful without God.  In fact, the AMP version says, “Commit your works to the Lord [submit and trust them to him], And your plans will succeed [if you respond to His will and guidance].”[ii] God created you with a unique purpose. He gave you goals and dreams that are specific to you. Ask him. Pray. He will speak to you through his word and it is important to have a daily walk with him. Find out what his plans are for your life. Align your plans with his. Trust him and submit to his will and your plans succeed.

What steps do you need to take today to commit your work and plans to God?

[i] Prov. 16:3 HCSB

[ii] Proverbs 16:3 AMP

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